Monday, August 15, 2016

Pictures Sent To Me In 1985...

I didn't take a picture today for my Pic Of The Day so I thought I'd dig in a box of old photos and choose one. But once I dug into the pictures, I found so many I could choose from. Thus was my quandary. Which one to use?

I found one from a 1992 U of U A'cappella Choir. Personally, I think it's a great picture.

The other pictures, though. I wanted to use them as well. As I looked through only a small portion of the photos, I found a selection of shots that people sent to me back in 1985. Back in 1985 I was living in Europe on an LDS mission. Back then there was no internet, no sending pictures through e-mail or on Facebook. No, we had to share pictures the old fashioned way--through the mail.

As I started looking through them, I thought it would be cool to gather a few great photos together, take pictures of then, and write today's blog post using my family and friends as the blog post subject.

And so that's what I did.

Some in these shots are no longer with us (my mom, my little dog, my VW...). But everyone in these pictures have undergone dramatic changes in their lives. Of course, that could be said about everyone who had lived for the past thirty-one years.

So, I'm including these photos to show you some of the most important people in my life back then. And the good news is, they still are today.

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