Thursday, October 5, 2017

Inklings Press "Tales From The Underground"...A Collection Of Hidden Gems

A friend asked if I would review an anthology in which one of the stories is hers. It's called Tales From the Underground, Twelve tales of hidden legends. The anthology deals with things that come from below. It also is available through Amazon beginning Saturday, October 6, 2017. You can order it from the Amazon's website: HERE.

Reading this new collection reminded me of why I like anthologies. They hold a special spot in my heart--until I published my collection of short stories, all my publish successes came from having stories released in anthologies. Tales From the Underground follows a formula I really like--start with a topic (in this case, a location, a cave...) and let author's imaginations run wild. That's what you get with this collection.

The varied stories keep you guessing. You're never quite sure what the next story will be about. The titles alone give away the collection's diversity: The Thing Inside The Cave, Forgotten, Tongueless Caverns, Underground Scratching, Buried Sins, Granddad's Bunker, The Beasts Above, Ogon, The Lords of Negative Space, The Angeles of Mestora, Shadows of the Deep, Professor Algernon Whitlock's Exotic and Fabulous Grand Tour of the Underworld.

I had my favorites, as we all do when we read collections. Not everything is for everyone. And my favorite story is Jaleta Clegg's The Angels of Mestora. Clegg transports us to a world where the beautiful and deadly siren song doesn't attract sailors to a watery grave, but just the opposite, to a world of sand and death. Great, great story!

Other stories like Rob Edward's The Lords of Negative Space, Lawrence Harding's The Beasts Above, and Jeff Provine's The Thing Inside The Cave I especially liked.

But that's the great thing about anthologies--if a story's not your thing, there's always another one just after it, another chance to visit a new world and experience new things. Until the last story comes to an end and then there's not. Check out Tales From the Underground. I'm sure there's something in it you'll enjoy.