Tuesday, December 25, 2018

So, Now What Do They Do...With All Those Gingerbread Houses?

So, we're shopping at Walmart last week and the first thing I see (after saying, "hello" to the greeter...) are gingerbread house kits. There's a display with several dozen of them. We had already made plans for our own gingerbread creation, so we didn't need to buy one. 

Usually, I don't notice things like this, especially at Christmas where there are holiday-themed items all over the store. But, we take ten steps and what do I see? Another several dozen gingerbread house kits.

We go another ten paces, and there it is again--more kits.

We turn down another aisle, another display. All in all I counted six displays in the front corner of the store and there may have been more that I missed.

It got me thinking...just how many of these kits do they sell, anyway? I know the store moves an unbelievable amount of product every single day. In fact, I'd probably be blown away if I saw the actual numbers of what the store beings in. There's a lot of people that shop at this Walmart, and not every family will buy one of those kits. Plus, it was fairly close to Christmas so there were limited days to shop.

I'm sure the employees who order the kids have a good idea of how many they'll need and how many they'll sell. It would be interesting to know how many of these things were still on the shelves when the store closed for Christmas. I hope they guessed right and everyone who wanted one got one and they had hardly any remaining. But if not, I wonder what happens to the gingerbread houses that nobody wanted.


  1. Ha I never thought of this! Likely the expiration date makes it so they can put those out next year :)
