Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Seven Stages Of Grief...Failure To Back-Up Data Edition

Because most of us work on computers, there's a good chance it's happened to you, that moment you realize that information you thought was safe and secure is gone. 

It's when the seven stages of "failure to back-up your data" grief begin. Stage 1 hit me pretty hard.


I was given an assignment to edit an audiobook. I even blogged about the joy I felt when I finished the project. Turns out, the program we used to edit the audiobook requires that you save two things. I only saved one and you can't recover the data without having save both things. That's when Stage 2 kicked in.


Oh, how I wanted it to not be true. In fact, I kept telling myself it couldn't be true. It wasn't until I watched a YouTube video about people having similar issues that I finally had to face the fact of what I had done. If only I had watched that video before I hit "Delete," all that work would have been saved. That made me mad and ushered me to stage 3.


Pretty self-explanatory. Then came Stage 4.


I couldn't really do much with this one--I'm not sure how much capital I had. I mean, who am I going to bargain with? It wasn't like Doctor Who could show up, transport me back to a few days in the past. Stage 5 was next.


This one, well...yeah, I felt it. I especially felt bad because I had taken longer on the project than I had anticipated. I thought it would be easier than it turned out to be. And now, it would take even longer. Stages 1 - 5 prepared me for Stage 6.


I'm usually a happy person so this one wasn't too bad. I mean, considering all the bad things that happen to people, this was generally mild. Still, though...

Finally, it was time for Stage 7.


Turns out, not all was lost. I backed-up my hard drive after I edited a quarter of the book so I was able to recover that. And, after originally editing that 25%, the rest of the book went much faster. Once I realized it'd just have to do it again, it sucked, but there was some comfort in that.

I had hoped to get working on a story I've let sit for years. I was excited to jump in with both feet. I guess that will have to wait, at least for a little while.

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