Thursday, February 28, 2019

With So Much Good To Watch...Why Watch The Bad?

Today, while on a break from work, I did a little internet surfing and happened upon a video, just one of the hundreds you're exposed to on a daily basis...that is, if you spend any time on-line. The official University of Utah Football Twitter account posted the video. That got my attention. But what I saw on that video, brought a question to my mind.

If you haven't seen it (and I recommend that you do...), you can't helped but be moved by the emotion. A phone call interrupts a team meeting. The coach stops, takes the phone, and chats with the caller. A player is summoned and joins the coach. The call is put on speakerphone. 

A parent delivers the player, the coach, the entire team (and now, the world...) some news.

And it made my day.

I'm not going to say what happened--you can access the video by clicking: HERE. The question that came to my mind after watching the video is this, with so many good things to watch and to read and to experience, why do we choose to watch the crap? 

You know what I'm talking about. Why do we watch things that bring us down, that make us feel...well, make us feel something other than joy? There are some amazing videos out there--my favorites are videos of soldiers returning home to their families. I can hardly get through them. They get me every time.

If you want to make yourself feel better, check out the video of a college student receiving some wonderful news. Then search for service men and women homecomings. If nothing else, it'll at least bring a smile to your face, and maybe, a tear to your eye.

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