Saturday, May 15, 2021

Some People Still Make Beautiful Things...

 My son and his wife found some amazing and beautiful gifts to give my wife and mother-in-law on Mother's Day this year. They know local artists who create pottery. They bought some of that pottery as gifts.


I've always thought that humans have an innate urge to create, be it art, an impact, even children. Everyone...on some level...creates. We create memories for others and ourselves. Some create miracles and some create problems. Actually, I guess we all do both.

And some make pottery. I suppose when we start out making our art, we think about how many people is it going to reach. Will there be a huge demand, or any demand at all? And if the demand is big, will you make money--serious money--from your hard work? And if that happened, would they sell out for a big payday and allow others to mass produce their art? Artists think about these things. I know I do from time to time. Then again, if you're only making art for the money, you're sort of cheating in a way...cheapening the process.

Looking at the gifts from my son and daughter-in-law, I thought of the Rasmussens, putting in the work, creating amazing things. It renewed my faith in humanity a little bit more.

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