Sunday, October 10, 2021

Give Thanks...Too Soon?

 When I worked in an office, they usually supply you with storage bins where you can store stuff--at least they did where I worked. I think the places for stuff was a throwback to another time when a general office worker pushed a lot of paper and a worker needed a place to put all that paper after (and before...) is was pushed.

Flash forward to the way we live and work now.

We don't really need the storage space like we once did--at least, for me.

I was looking for something this morning and I thought it might be in my office desk. I pretty much knew it wasn't, but I thought I'd check. That's when I spotted Gobbles, the Beanie Baby (Gobbles and I share the same birthday, by the way...). It is part of a beanie baby menagerie I used to have at work and whenever the appropriate holiday came upon us, I'd put the appropriate animal on my desk.

I dug out Gobbles, and wondered if it was too soon to release Gobbles from his darkened prison and place him on my desk. After all, Thanksgiving is only a month and a half away.

This made me think...why shouldn't I have Gobbles on my desk all year long? I know people put out Halloween decorations in September and Christmas decorations in October. If there's one holiday that we need more of, it's Thanksgiving. If there's one holiday that we should consider every week, it's Thanksgiving. It there's one holiday that would make the world a better place, it's Thanksgiving.

So, to answer the question, too soon?

The answer is--nope.

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