Saturday, October 15, 2022

A New Sprout...Fascinating

 Last month, I noticed a bud sprouting from one of our plants. Just a little thing. We've watched it for weeks and that little sprout is turning into something big.

We've had this plant in our care since July, 2007. It was given to us when my mother passed away. Somehow, we've kept it alive all those years. I'm sure there are many that can identify the plant, and in the past I've looked it up, too, but I can't remember what type of plant it is. We don't care--we love it.

Funny thing about plants, you give them soil, light, and water, and they grow. We've watched the branches rise into the air over the years, but I don't think we've been around to see a new branch be born. It's been fascinating.

When I first saw the sprout, I thought it would be small, something like the smallest existing branch, but it appears it's going to be big, The base of the new shoot is already as wide as the branch from which it is springing.

Thankfully, we've been able to keep it alive and we hope to continue this for years to come. I'm excited to see how it will turn out.

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