Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Son's Big News...Well Done!

I'm going to crow about my son for a bit. I do this occasionally, brag about my kids. Probably not as much as I should, but bragging about your kids gets lost in the social media universe quite easily. It's probably the second-most popular thing on the internet, just behind cat videos.

This past week my son received some amazing news. he and another individual won first place in a MoonJam video game contest. My son was the artist, the other the programmer. Together they spent several days working their tails off and they won. The first prize was a sizable amount of money--not life-changing, but I would not turn it down.

My son was all smiles for several days afterward.

As a father, you worry about your kids, at least, I do. I hope they find a vocation where they can support themselves and possibly a family of their own. I'm sure I'm not the only one who, if their children say they want to work in the video game industry, cringe a little bit. Yes, there is money to be made, but with billions of young men who would also like to make money working with (i.e. playing...) video games, competition is tough.

I'm not saying my son is going to do this as a full-time job. He understands the logistics, the realities of the industry, but it is fun for him to enter a contest, work like the devil, and be rewarded for his hard work.

Life is at times really great and at times really not-so-great...the whole "opposition in all things" stuff going on. For a few days my son was experiencing one of those 'really great times. As a parent, I love that. 

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