Sunday, October 2, 2022

Give Thanks...Home Repairs

 We're approaching the time of the year when the city turns off our irrigation water. Thankfully, our little valley has had enough water to keep our plants and trees alive. Soon, winter will blow in and we will have no need for the life-given water that comes from the pipes.

Problem is, when those pipes are no longer connected and the water is not turned off.

See those muddy pipes? They were once a foot underground. But when they came disconnected (unbeknownst to us...), all the dirt above the pipes washed away exposing the problem.

When I found out the water was off, I checked the box and found a good Samaritan had turned off our water. I also saw all the ground surrounding both our box and my next-door neighbor's was affected. At the time I did not see the disconnected pipes. I thought the problem was somewhere else and I dreaded the thought of fixing it.

We hired a professional to put in our system last year. He did a great job. I've worked on sprinkler systems before, but not the main lines. I'm good at fixing a sprinkler head--minor stuff like that. The main line...nope. When I investigated a second time, I noticed that since all the dirt had been washed away, I spotted the problem right away. 

Long story short, I picked up some supplies at the hardware store, connected the pipes and locked them in place. We turned the water back on and watered the very thirsty plants and trees. I'm grateful things worked out the way they did. I'm glad we didn't have to pay someone to come out and fix it. I find home repairs sort of an interesting topic. Even though I HATE it when things break, I realize I gain experience when I'm able to fix them. Still, I hope I never have to "learn about" some of those nasty indoor plumbing situations. Of course (as always...) time will tell.

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