Friday, October 28, 2022

Cache Valley...Not Like I Remember

 Earlier this week my wife, son, and I found ourselves driving around Cache Valley in Northern Utah.

It's no longer the place I remember.

It's definitely not the place my parents would remember if they were still with us.

My mom and dad lived in Cache Valley in the 1950s. My dad graduated with an engineering degree (tool engineering, to be more specific--not sure if anyone remembers that particular major...). My mom worked at a bank and helped put him through college. In fact, she earned her P.H.T degree--Putting Husband Through. She got a diploma and everything.

When I attended USU, Fall Quarter, 1984, my mom told us about the city and how it looked when she lived there. Much had changed since the Fifties.

Much has changed since the Eighties, too. 

I took this picture of the Wal*Mart Pick-Up dock. Wal*Mart wasn't there back then, nor was a thousand other structures. There's round-a-bouts and restaurants where the restaurant chains did not exist in the Eighties. There's also many many more people.

I suppose almost everything has gone through drastic changes in the past four decades. Cache Valley is no exception. The reason for the extraordinary change is because it's such a wonderful place to live, people don't want to leave, and because people who get together create other people, well...there you go.

Even though it's much more crowded and congested, it's still a beautiful valley to visit...

It's just not like I remember.

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