Monday, October 10, 2022

The First Annual Columbus Day Cook-Out...I Call It A Success

 I was one of the few workers in the country that had the day off. I don't know if there was a time when most Americans were given Columbus Day off, but now, there's not many of us...mostly government workers.

We took advantage of the day to run some errands, finish some projects around the house that needed doing, and other odds and ends. As the afternoon drew to a close, we decided to have a cook-out. We haven't fired up the fire pit in months. My wife agreed the idea had merit so we went to the store, bought some supplies, came home, and got cooking.

It took a while to get everything ready. Fire started and built--check. tiki torches set up and lit--check. Food and condiments prepared--check.

As the fire built, I sat and just watched the fire. I've missed having a fire in the pit, as you can see the weeds have had their way. We brought out the pre-cooked hot dogs, warmed them up with flame and coals, then chowed down. As we sat around the fire eating and enjoying dusk, we made the decision to make our Columbus Day Cook-Out an annual event, weather-permitting.

This particular holiday had has a tough time of late, warranted or not. As I sat in our backyard watching the dog run around, I thought about how things work out. Would I be sitting in my yard had Columbus not did what he did? That's the thing about history--it can't be changed so it can be endlessly argued of its impact. All I know is, I had the day off, we had a wonderful time tonight, and I'm proclaiming the First Annual Columbus Day Cook-Out a success.

See you next year.

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