Friday, September 6, 2013

A Little Lesson In Crowd Control...

It's interesting how large crowds need controlling. And they can be controlled with items as small as a two pieces of paper and a threat.

I, and what feels like half the state of Utah, are attending a little event held in downtown Salt Lake City this weekend. Yesterday I arrived early to help set up and there were few people in the convention hall. I was able to ride my little scooter around and take pictures and chat with people. It took less than a minute to get from one end of the huge space to the other. And every twenty feet or so, a large red door allowed us to leave.

After the crowds were allowed in, only the vendors used the red doors. They were convenient because you could go to the red door by your assigned booth and come and go as you wanted. That's what I did all day yesterday.

Today it was more crowded. I got to the booth where our books are for sale and I looked for the closest red door by which to leave so I could get to where I was going quickly. Low and behold a sign now appeared on the door. EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY. I almost didn't see it and I wondered as I opened the door if it was truly an emergency.

Apparently, the sign was not sufficient enough to achieve the desired effect. I guess too many of us deemed what we were doing "emergencies." I walked past a red door later and now an alarm had been installed on each door. I'm pretty sure this latest piece of paper did the trick.

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