Thursday, November 26, 2015

Trotting With Turkeys...

I should say from the beginning that I did not trot this morning with turkeys, just great neighbors. Each Thanksgiving some in our neighborhood put on a little run. It's not "official;" it's just for fun. The starting time: 8am. I bundled up and drove to my neighbor's house. I thought there'd be more people to do a morning Thanksgiving Day run.

When I drove by, there were two.

I don't know how many years the neighbors have organized this little trot. I remember seeing Facebook posts last Thanksgiving from fellow neighbors celebrating the event and I thought how fun it would have been to participate. When I saw the invitation this year, I decided to join in.

I'm thinking conditions last year were more conducive to running. This year--cold. It was 29˚ with a brisk wind. Basically, it was freezing out there.

I parked the car and waited to see who else would join in the fun. The original two turned into seven, six adults and one child and we began our little run. I was a little apprehensive about doing any running seeing as how I haven't run since 2012. Before I showed up and when I thought there would be more people, I wasn't too worried about running. I figured there would be other non-runners with whom I could hang after the super runners left us in the dust.

With only seven of us, I realized that might not be the case.

We reached the bottom of our hill and the one child had had enough. One chose to take her back home and that left us with five, three women and two guys. Oh, did I mention that the women all run on a regular basis and participate in several races? I probably didn't mention that.

So, as we continued running, us guys started chatting (as guys are known to do...). Turns out he doesn't run either. We talked about where we grew up and how we both ended up in Farmington. As we talked and walked (and sometimes ran...), the women kept running and soon they were blocks ahead. Us guys decided to take a short cut (or a couple of short cuts...) as we continued our morning adventure.

As we returned home, two runners turned off as we passed their house. The other two women finished their jog by hiking to the top of the hill. I returned to my car where I checked the temperature--29˚--and drove home.

Like I said earlier, it's been years since I last ran or jogged or even walked more than a couple of miles. The good news is I made it. Of course, I didn't set any speed records, but I also didn't quit. I've been hoping to start exercising again and I thought I could begin after the play ends. Going on a short little trot with some of my neighbors is a good way to begin.

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