Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Jason King's "Dream Breaker"...A Book Review

Dream Breaker Audiobook

It's been a while since I posted a book review. I've trying to do some reading, but changing job duties, being in a couple of shows, and trying to edit a book have but a serious dent into my reading schedule. It's too bad, but as with many things in life--can't do everything, even when all those things are good things to do.

Thankfully Jason King came through and wrote a story perfect for my schedule. I didn't read it, but listened to it as an audiobook. It's perfect for me right now because it's less than an hour long.

Dream Breaker introduces an interesting concept, the ability for people to move in and out of different dimensions by entering a dream-like state. As it's explained in the story:

Dream breaking is the process of reaching through one's subconscious to that state of being between life and death.

There's dangers, of course, both physical and metaphysical. Some believe you can lose your very soul by tampering in this in between existence.

We meet Dareth and he becomes intoxicated by the world he finds by dream breaking. He's given an assignment--protect a high priest from assassins. Though the story is short, King pack a lot in the pages--a sign of a good writer. He more than adequately describes the world and it's magic systems in a way that's both understandable and believable. I would imagine there are more stories set to come forward from the world he's created--he's certainly set the stage for it. Seriously, it's less than an hour of your time and you can enjoy the story, too. 

I got my audiobook copy by becoming a subscriber of the Immortal Works Publishing mailing list. If you'd like to sign up, click: HERE and you too can enjoy Dream Breaker.

Hopefully, there'll be be other fine literary products coming from this new and exciting publishing house. If Dream Breakers is an indication of what's ahead, I look forward to what they produce next.

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