Saturday, January 4, 2020

Destroying A Gingerbread Village...A Taylor Family Tradition

A few days before Christmas I watched my kids participate in a Taylor Family Tradition. It's evolved over the past couple of years. We started building a gingerbread house for Christmas. The problem was, due to food sensitivities, we could never eat it--not that they look that appetizing, anyway.

So, what do to with it?

Why not blow it up?

Hence, a Taylor Family Tradition was born.

Both my wife and I brought traditions from our childhood into our marriage. And when the kids came along, we implemented more. And now, as the kids have gotten older, they'll expect to do things like building structures made of food and then using fireworks to destroy said buildings.

Will they continue this particular tradition with their new families? I sure hope so. And, of course, they'll discover new things they want to do, that will hopefully be carried on with their families. That's how traditions work.

The fireworks we bought--and we were hampered by the lack of selection--worked okay. They did not destroy the structures, just cooked them more. We used a fountain firework. Had we used aerials, they would have destroyed the little buildings, and perhaps some of the neighbor's landscaping as well. No, we wouldn't attempt that. Fountains are good--maybe next time we can have a couple of fountains pointed at the little town. We'll have to see. We're always trying to improve the process.

This little tradition has been fun for our family. It takes a few weeks to fully complete, which adds to the fun. The family looks forward to the building and to the destroying--just like a good family tradition should be.

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