Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Watching My Son...Watching Two Guys...Play Cuphead Video Game

I was sitting in the front room tonight after dinner, playing a little with the dog, relaxing, when I noticed something on the TV. It wasn't a movie, or a TV show, but a video game...

A crazy, whacked-out video game.

It's called Cuphead and it is bizarre.

It's supposed to look like some retro, early Disney-era short. It's part of the charm. And with literally millions of video games out there (if you count those you can get on your phone...), you have to have a niche. And Cuphead's niche is stunning.

After a while, I was sucked in. The games were on YouTube and the players were two YouTubers named PB & Jeff. I have no idea how famous they are, most likely very. My son and I watched as PB & Jeff tried unsuccessfully several times to pass the dreaded train challenge. They got so close, but couldn't quite get over the hump.

Eventually, after multiple attempts, they conquered the skeletons and demonic trains. Their reward? Moving on to the next insane challenge, of course.

Back in 2016 I blogged about how interesting it was to watch people play video games. The more I think about it, the more it's not so weird. We watch people play football, basketball, baseball, and every other sport known to mankind. We also watch cooking shows, talk shows, and the Batchelor (not me, but, you know...people).

We like to watch people do stuff. It's in our genes.

Even video games.

Even Cuphead.

I don't play a lot of video games, and I play no games on my computer or on a game system--not that I wouldn't want to--they're just expensive. I think, had I the means, Cuphead would be one I would try.

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