Friday, January 24, 2020

Finding Joy In The Simple Things...Like Pausing The TV

The older I get, the more I feel like the people we used to make fun of--if outright, or in our minds--who would look on the younger generations and say things like, "Back in my day...," or "When I was a kid..." Because when I was a kid, the people who said things like this were born before the start of WWI, or were born in the nineteenth century. 

It's hard to imagine I knew people born during those times when we're living now in the twenty-first century.

What has this to do with the above picture? Well, I present this case. When I was a kid, there was no way to actually pause a program you were watching. If you were watching a program and you missed something, you missed it. There was no going back.

That's not exactly how we live our lives today. Today, I hardly watch anything when it's originally broadcast. Not sitcoms, not movies, even most sporting events I end up watching after the final score is posted in the record books.

So, while we watch things on delay, we end up pausing things. If you need to go get some food, use the bathroom, say the blessing on the know, every day things. And when you pause programs, you get people frozen in time with some interesting facial expressions. 

The above picture I caught as I watched the broadcast of the University of Utah men's home basketball game against the Huskies of the University of Washington (sloppy, but good game...). In a way, it's unfair to post a picture like this. The people in front of the camera have no control over how they look 100% of the time, especially if they're animated, like Bill Walton is.

But, in our family, we've found many a frozen picture funny, even hilarious. And why not? It's fun--and free--entertainment.

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