Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Celebrate The New Year With A (Mini...) Lantern Festival!

After applying fireworks to our gingerbread village just after midnight last night (this will be highlighted in a future blog post...), we noticed a gathering at our neighbor's house across the street.

Those look like lanterns, I thought.

That's exactly what they were.

It seems our neighbors have a tradition. They order lanterns and set them aloft at midnight to ring in (or lit in...) the new year.

It was beautiful!

I've always wanted to see lanterns be lit and float skyward. There's the famous scene in Tangled where everyone sends up lanterns. It's one of the key plot points, actually--no lanterns, no story. I've seen ads for lantern festivals that are held in the area, mostly in the summer, I think. I don't know exactly because we've never gone, but I kept thinking it would be something I would love to see. 

Turns out I was right--I did love it.

The lanterns lifted into the night sky. They floated northwest, over our house until the fuel was exhausted, the flames went out, and the lanterns descended back to earth. It was a very cool experience.

I'd never seen floating lanterns before. It's something I've always wanted to experience. Thanks to neighbors, last night I was able to see it first hand. And it was awesome!

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