Friday, January 17, 2020

Playing...With Poodles...In The Snow

The storm hit in the morning, but by the afternoon the sun came out and it was an absolutely beautiful day. In short, it was a perfect day to play in the snow with poodles. To be fair, we only had one poodle, but we did play and it was in the snow.

We didn't know anything about poodles when my son rescued his dog a year and a half ago. I could be wrong, but for some reason, I assumed poodles were water dogs, and they might be. We haven't taken the dog to a large body of water, but I don't think he'd jump right in if we did. Like I said, I could be wrong.

But snow is frozen water and I do know the dog loves playing in the snow. Once again, I utilized my favorite video altering function on my phone--slow motion--and had a blast videotaping his joy. I love watching the videos, seeing the dog bounce up and down, his big ears flopping and flapping as he runs. 

It would have been cool to video the dog actually catching the ball (spoiler, if you haven't watched the video...), but seeing him drop it is fun, too.

It's night. The poodle has crashed and he's sleeping off the fun binge he experienced earlier today. I supposed we'll all be a little bit more tired, too. It was worth it...definitely worth it.

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