Sunday, January 12, 2020

Exercising Myself...From The Demonic Pigs

I don't play a lot of video games. Compared to some, I play practically none. We live in a time when some of the most amazing games available are found on our phones, games adults play, games senior citizens play, games even infants play.

I am part of the generation that lived before any video games existed, and by "any," I mean exactly that. Video games didn't exist. The first financially successful game--Pong--was invented int he 1970s. 

I was invented in the 1960s.

Once I got a fully-functioning smartphone, I downloaded several games. Over the years, I've played, and by "played," I mean, addicted to, a few games. The most recent one is an offshoot from the successful Angry Birds line. It's called Angry Birds Blast.

And I played it a lot. So much so, I had it on three devices, my phone, an iPad, and an android tablet. I played it every day, because those of you who play games every day know there's advantages to playing every day. They give you bonuses, and tips, and other ways to help. I took advantage of those helps and tips...

Until one weekend, about a month ago, I stopped. It was a busy weekend, not sure exactly why, but I remember when the time came that I usually played, I didn't have the time. The next day came and, once again, I was doing something else. By the third day, when I did have time to play, I simply didn't. And I haven't played the game since. Today I opened the game for the first time so I could take a screenshot for this post. 

It's funny--I thought I'd miss it more. It was fun, hence, the many months/years of playing, but now that I've stopped, I don't want to go back, not even once.

So, there's now only one game I play on my phone. It's called Jet Ball, a breakout game that was discontinued years ago. I told my wife once that I'd like to find a game I enjoyed as much as Angry Birds Blast, but at the same time, no. I don't. It's just a way to spend time on non-important things. Who knows...maybe another game will come around and I'll once again be addicted. It might be okay, as long as it doesn't have those demonic pigs...

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