Thursday, January 13, 2022

A Dog And His Toy...

You probably can't see from these pictures, but this dog is smiling...

Smiling Big.

Ah...a dog's life.

And another thing you can't see (or hear...) from these pictures is the sound made by the big pink bone that happens to be our dog's favorite toy. Around the same time every evening, the dog will pick up the bone, hold it in his mouth and and start chewing. When he chews, the high pitch screech emanating from the toy echoes throughout the house and bounces around in all our heads.

It's adorable, and terrible.

But, what can we do? The dog loves that toy.

There's another interesting annoyance when it comes to that toy. It's rubber and covered with rubber spikes. It's so big that if you happen to bump it when walking, it won't move...won't budge, be it on carpet or hardwood floors. It's so big that it freaks you out because you think you've hit the edge of the coffee table or a couch. 

The other alternative is if you step on it directly, it screams. Imaging giving a two-year old a recorder or a set of cymbals. There's a reason you don't do that. But we give these toys to our pets. Of course, you can't "test drive" a dog toy in the store so you never know if the animal will like it. Turns out in our case, he did...a lot.

Yes, it's a dog's life. With his toy he's the happiest puppy in the world. 

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