Thursday, January 6, 2022

That Day Snoopy Let Me Down...

 We thought it would be a blast...a few weeks before Christmas while we were wandering up and down the aisles of our local pharmacy/corner store, we saw something and the moment we saw it, we thought, "we should buy that."

Well, it wasn't the best purchasing decision we ever made.

In fact, Snoopy let us down.

Okay, okay...I know what you're thinking. "You bought that?" Yes. We did. We bought it and brought it home, unpacked it, and set it on the kitchen counter. Tonight, I decided to melt some chocolate, pull out the almost-empty tin of Danish butter cookies, and watch the magic unfold. We followed the instructions, plugged in Snoopy's Chocolate Fountain, poured the melted mixture into the device and turned it on.

Oh, we had high hopes. The chocolate seeped into the mechanism and it began to rise up the middle cylinder. We couldn't wait until delicious smoothy chocolate flowed downward where we would thrust Danish butter cookies into that flow, then experience the hor 'devours of kings and guests at some wedding receptions.

We watched and waited, then we heard the sound...a high-pitched screech of the fountain not working. The thingy that turns and pushes the chocolate up then out stopped. We thought maybe the chocolate was too thick, so we added more oil to the mixture, cleaned out the fountain, and tried again.

Thinner chocolate--same result.

I decided to see if the chocolate was the problem. Turns out, when I just tested the machine without chocolate, it didn't work. The motor would not turn. My dreams dashed.


In hindsight, we probably shouldn't have bought a six-inch tall Snoopy Chocolate Fountain. The odds of it actually working were pretty slim. But, we took a shot at dessert happiness, flew too close to the sun, and became a voice of warning. I think the saddest part is that Snoopy adorns the side of the fountain. Snoopy has always been a symbol of strength, ingenuity, and perseverance. Now, the dream's dashed. I hope one day it can be repaired.

No, we will not enjoy a chocolate fountain this winder season. I saw a proper fountain online you can buy. It'll cost you--a couple of hundred bucks. We could go that route, but we probably won't...that's a little too rich for us...

Just like the chocolate.

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