Monday, January 17, 2022

Did A Little Organizing Today...

 Last year, we put a workbench in our garage. Oh, we had big plans for the space. In our last house, we had no specific place to do any work that a workbench affords. Sure, we could move the car out of the garage and I could work there, but that's not a solution. When we first saw the house we ended up buying, how I loved the garage space. It was choice (to quote Mr. Bueller...).

We assembled the bench, then over time we used it as a storage space...think "treadmill" storage space and you get the idea. And the fact that we didn't have anything that needed fixing or building kept me from cleaning off the bench. A few months ago we put up a pegboard that covered the entire wall over the bench. Again, I looked forward to the day that we could clear off the junk, organize the hundreds--perhaps thousands--of tools, bolts, nuts, washers, and all the other things that I've collected over the years.

Today was that day.

At least, today was the day we started to organize.

I'm not too handy with tools. I mean, I can make stuff and have the desire to make stuff. I'd like to be more like my father when it comes to that area. He could build anything, and he did. I inherited many of my father's tools when we sold my mother's house, many I've never used. I'm hoping to change that.

Step one is done. We've done some organizing. Now, I just need to find something to fix/build to make the workbench fulfill its destiny.

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