Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Got A Twisted Sugar...We're On The Fast Track To The Big Time

 One of the charms of living in a small town is the small-towniness. It's everywhere. People wave to each other. You hardly ever have to wait for traffic to turn onto a road. The air is cleaner and the people are nicer.

It's been an amazing experience and we've love it ever since we moved in 2020.

But, it won't can't last.

That's the downside of living in a small town.

I've mentioned many times that the town where we now live is so much like the town we used to live in, only how it was fifty years ago. We had Main Street, some houses, and some farmland. It wasn't unusual for many neighbors to have horses on their land behind their homes. The church they attended was over a hundred years old and everyone knew each other...or so it seemed.

That's how it feels for us now where we live. I also feel change is coming. I feel this because I've seen it happen. We live on one side of town, a town that has a lot of businesses. We've watched over the past year as a new mini-strip mall has been built. We've wondered what will go in the smallish spaces. Well, we found out a month or so ago what one of those shops was going to be...a Twisted Sugar shop.

It opened recently and earlier this week, I stopped in to check it out. I've never been to one--didn't know anything about the place other than the obvious--it's got tasty treats. I chose the Pina Colada drink and it was very good. Unfortunately for our family, they use artificial flavors in their products which means, my family will not be stopping in for tasty treats. Bummer.

I think many of our fellow citizens are excited about the prospect...a new place to hang out, to get something new. That's how it starts. There's excitement that new things are coming, and it is exciting. It's fun, and the prospect of other new things only adds to that excitement.

But, one day they'll turn around and the town will have doubled, new traffic lights will be installed (because they're needed...) and it will take fifteen minutes to take a trip that used to take only five. Yes, they'll be new shops, new stores, new many things, but it'll come at a cost. We're on the fast track to the Big Time. I just hope people are willing to take the good with the bad.

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