Thursday, January 27, 2022

Yup...I'm Turning Into "That Guy"

 Working at home allows a person to see things they normally would not see. Back when my home office was in the basement, I did have access to a window, but it was, shall we say, not very clean. After years of being hit with irrigation water, you could barely see out of it. That, and the fact that it was buried in the ground and I could only see the sky, did not give me a good view of happenings on our street.

Different house...different views.

Now, from my work desk, I can see not only an incredible sight of a beautiful eastern mountain range, but I see the street in front of our house. In the future, when the land gets eaten up and homes that will stretch to the east, the dead-end road will continue. For now, the road just ends.

The other day I saw some neighbor kids playing in that dead-end street. I love seeing kids playing outside, even in the winter. The kids were riding their scooters and having a good time. The next day when I looked outside, I noticed a lone scooter laying idle in the street. I figured it would be moved later that day. After all, there was a scooter without a kid (or a kid without a scooter...) and no one wants to be without their stuff, especially kids.

Apparently, I was wrong.

The next day I looked out the window and once again saw the scooter. I know the scooter doesn't care about the kid (since it can't...). It looked like the kid felt the same way about the scooter. I checked again this morning and saw the scooter in the same place...just laying there, unmoved.

Now, this little turn-off from the main road gets almost no traffic. There is an occasional car that pulls in to turn around, but it's rare. Still...I thought about the possibility that some car or truck or quad or delivery vehicle might pull in and not see the scooter. What would it do to a tire? Not much give in that scooter steel. 

Tonight, I put our garbage into our big garbage can and rolled it to the curb. I saw the scooter and decided to move it. As I approached it, I thought...oh no--I'm turning into "that guy." I'm the pesky older gentleman that watches the neighborhood and comments (sometimes, through actions...) about the goings on.

Just another reminder, I'm getting older.

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