Friday, January 21, 2022

Finding Something White...

 Personally, I love winter. I love how the world looks buried under a blanket of white. I love how no plants spread pollen or bitting bugs fly in the air in the winter. Sure, it's cold so I put on more layers. There are drawbacks--nothing great comes without a price. The snow is beautiful, but in order for us to get our cars into our garage, we need to shovel that snow.

This morning, I ventured outside with a shovel in my hands and an earbud in my ear and went to work. A few months ago I bought some new earbuds. They were on the cheaper end...I didn't want to spend a lot of money in case I didn't like them. I do like them, but they don't fit very well. When doing things (other than sitting in a chair or lying on a bed...) they tend to fall out.

It happened again this morning.

And it happened while I shoveled snow. 

Normally, this wouldn't be an issue, but when I bought the ear buds, I chose the white ones. I saw the white ear bud drop, hit the shovel, then...gone. At first, I thought, no problem--I'll just see the mark on the snow where the ear bud landed and pick it up.

I looked and saw no marks in the snow. The snow was not deep, only an inch, but I was surrounded by white and it could have landed anywhere. To add to the frustration, I was shoveling my neighbor's sidewalk and when I went back to look this afternoon after much of the snow had melted, my neighbor broke out his quad with a plow and cleared his driveway. Somewhere, under now a foot of snow is the ear bud, or worse, it was smashed under the tires.

I still love winter. I'm still going to look for the ear bud when the snow melts--could be a few days, or weeks. I'm still glad the ear buds were cheap. Next time, I might pick the black ones.

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