Monday, January 24, 2022

A Morning View...

 At this time of year, I wake up and start working before the sun rises. Most of my work year is like this. Because I have an east-facing window in my office, I have the privilege of watching each sunrise while I work. Some days--most days--the views from my window are ordinary...not much to see as far as colorful sunrises go.

Sort of like today.

This morning wasn't bad. I actually snapped a few pictures, but they weren't impressive. Usually around the time the sun rises at this time of year, I venture into the kitchen for some breakfast. This morning, I stopped and looked at our entrance. Something in the way the light filtered through the small windows caught my attention. 

As I looked at the pictures later, both inside the house and the ones I took outside, it made me wonder. Why does a sunset need to be spectacular? It was beautiful outside this morning, even though it didn't translate to digital film or be something worthy of posting on social media.

I need to re-evaluate sometimes, like how I think about the beauty that exists all around me. I should just enjoy what I see instead of thinking how I can post about it.

Then, as it happens, tonight's sunset was absolutely brilliant so I took a picture of it and posted it. I guess I'll never learn...

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