Tuesday, January 25, 2022

That's One Smart Puppy...

 Dogs can't build airplanes or do our taxes, but they're incredibly smart in other ways. Case in point--our dog knows when we open the refrigerator drawer where the cheese is stored.

Every time.

Our fridge has four ways to retrieve stuff, two doors and two drawers. The bottom drawer gains access to the freezer and the other drawer is where we place our "sandwich materials." Today, I conducted a little test since I decided to make a sandwich for lunch. The dog was downstairs. It's not a large house and there wasn't much going on so with the animal's elevated sense of hearing, I thought the dog could hear what I was doing even though he wasn't in the room.

I started my test by first opening the doors.


Then--I opened up the cheese drawer.

Instantly, I heard the metal licenses hanging on the dog's collar clink, then, the familiar sound of four paws running up the stairs filled the room. The dog knew exactly which drawer I opened because he knows when that door opens, more than not someone will be bringing out the cheese and there's a great chance he'll get a little bit of that to eat.

No, our puppy can't put together a 1000 piece puzzle or sing any of the parts to any of the songs found in Frederic Handel's Messiah, but when there's a chance for a tasty snack, he's all over it.

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