Tuesday, January 4, 2022

If Anyone Is Looking For An Amazing Furry Friend...We Have The Perfect Solution

 We have two cats. Turns out, it's one too many. Sometimes, when you rescue an animal things don't work out. A few years ago, the previous cat we rescued passed away and in our grief, we found a weeks-old kitten and brought him home.

What an amazing cat he's turned out to be.

This little guy, a rag doll, got big. He's not the biggest cat out there--he's not fat, just thick. We found out one day that he plays fetch. Not every day, but when he feels like it. We'd throw a hair elastic across the room and he'd go get it. We also sort of trained him to go into his pet carrier, also. We don't do either very much any more, but it was a blast getting to know that he did those things.

Since he was my daughter's cat, she named him SamDean Winchester, after a certain brother duo on a certain long-running paranormal/supernatural show.

This past summer, we found out the family became allergic to SamDean more than usual, and because of the potential respiratory issues that can show up at any time, being more allergic to a cat makes things worse. 

We are heartbroken to have to find a new home for SamDean, but we know there's someone out there who needs an amazing, loving, opinionated pet with the most incredible blue eyes. He's never been outside--always an inside cat. If you or anyone you know would love to have this cat be part of their family, please let us know. We'd love for him to find a good home.

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