Friday, May 6, 2011

Shakespeare For Kids

My son, another son, and my daughter have all been involved in Shakespeare plays (one was 9-years old the first time they donned the stage). Last January I had the opportunity to direct my son and many of his talented friends in the North Star Scholars Association production of Twelfth Night and some of my thoughts after the show ended can be found here.

The latest play with two of my kids will take place in a couple of weeks. I arrived early and caught the tail-end of their rehearsal. From what I saw, they did well. My son said as we drove home that the rehearsal went terrifically well.

All the classes at the Association are held in a community church (not of our denomination...our church frowns upon such activities to be held inside their buildings). The church has been so good for our group.

On the walls of the church were hung several posters advertising things the church is involved in. One that caught my eye was a "Toys For Tots" event. Personally, I've always thought Iron Man would make an excellent Santa Clause. I mean, he (most likely...) has a list and I'm sure he checks it twice. Plus, he surely knows who's been naughty and who's been nice. And he takes out the naughty ones in especially nasty ways...

Perhaps in a couple of weeks I'll get everyone caught up as to how the play went. It's incredible the way these kids memorize, and most impressively, how they understand the works of the Bard. But, then again, all kids are incredible--we just need to know how to see it in them...

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