Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Blog Post #500

Back in January 2011 I decided to start a blog. I decided to make it a daily. This post (or maybe yesterday's...) is number 500.

There are people who have made blogging their full-time job and many have made good money from their efforts. Books, movies, TV shows...are just a few things that have befallen some bloggers. For me, I'm about a thousand visits before I reach 20K and I've earned exactly $29.50 creating (hopefully...) a fresh, creative blog each day since I started.

 I think I got into the blogging game a little late. I keep reading headlines about how blogging is the new MySpace and it's on its way out. Maybe it is. Many of us still blogging would disagree. I see blogging as a way for expression to come out, even if no one--or very few--ever see the blog. Expression is good and definitely needed.

500 lbs is a quarter ton. 500 blog posts (for me...) is almost a year and a half of daily blogs. Thank you so much to anyone who has ever stopped by. It means a lot. Let's see what the next 500 days will bring...


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Eve! Glad you're there on the other end reading!

  2. That's great. :) Congratulations and definitely keep writing.

    1. Thanks Carrie and thanks for the follow! It's been a fun ride so far...

  3. I enjoy your blog and look forward each day to see what you have chosen to write. Keep going!!

    1. Carol--it's nice to know you've always been there to read these little posts. It makes it worth it!
