Friday, July 27, 2018

It's Quick...It's Quack...And It's A Car Wash!

We drive past a particular section of Centerville Utah at least once a week. That was before my daughter and I began rehearsals for a musical located in a theater at this very intersection. When we rehearse, we pass the intersection almost every day.

We watched as a new car wash was built. It's called Quick Quack Car Wash.

To get the neighborhood aware of the business (or to get them addicted...), the car wash has been free for several days. This morning my wife and I were driving home having just picked up groceries.

"Hey--the car was is free today. Should we do it?"

I looked at the time. We had places to be in about an hour's time and I saw three or four cars pull in for their free car wash. We decided to try out the place--I just hoped it wouldn't take too long.

Did it take too long? Did we miss our appointments because we were waiting for the cars that turned in ahead of us to get washed? Let me say that there's a reason the word "Quick" is in the title of the company. The place was amazing!

We lined up our van and waited. We had no idea how long it would take. From the time I put the transmission into Neutral to when we drove out the other end of the car wash, it couldn't have taken more than a couple of minutes. I recorded a time-lapse video, but in reality, I could have recorded the entire event in real time to post here.

Yes it was fast, but it also felt like it was a disco for our minivan. You can see in the video all the times our entire car was bathed in sharp colors. I'm sure our van would have liked the experience more, if it was a fan of discos.

In short, I've got to give it up for Quick Quack Car Wash. They exceeded my expectations, and if you're the type of person who can't stand traveling around in a dirty car, I say you should check out this place. I'll bet they exceed your expectations, too.

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