Saturday, October 3, 2020

One Week Down...

 One Week Down...

Seven days ago, my shell-shocked family sat on whatever piece of furniture that didn't have boxes stacked upon it, and we wondered just what the crap had just happened.

One week ago.

I remember waking up the next day, looking up at the ceiling for the first time. So much had happened in the previous couple of weeks, and there was still so much to do. It was a little overwhelming. Now, one week later, many of the boxes have been emptied and things placed in appropriate places. We've put up blinds and curtains giving us an element of privacy. We figured out the water heater, the air conditioner, and the outside lights. We're still figuring out the gas stove and the hot water in the kitchen.

We're tired, feeling exhausted every night as if our brains are working overtime to remember where we put things, remember what things are still in boxes, and remembering that we now live in a city of thousands, not tens of thousands.

It's been one week, seven days, one-hundred and sixty-eight hours, but at the same time, it's been a lifetime...

A new lifetime.

The first night here, the sky blazed. Since then, the night skies have been amazing, but they haven't matched that first night. Maybe, on that first night, it was just a combination of atmospheric pressures, moisture in the air, and light from the sun reflecting just so that created the visual treat we saw. Then again, maybe it was God's way of welcoming us to our new life.

I chose the latter.

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