Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Beauty Of A Church...

 A few posts back, I wrote about where we now live looks and feels a lot like a town I once lived in, only decades earlier.

That same feeling struck again the moment I stepped inside our new church meetinghouse. 

It is simply magnificent.

Any meetinghouse that has a balcony is aces in my book. The building was amazing from the outside, but when I stepped in the chapel, it took my breath away. The curved roof, the double podiums, all the wood.

I found a YouTube video showing the history of the building--it's just over ten minutes long, if you're interested. You can see it by clicking: HERE

Buildings come and go. Right now, I'm sitting in a house that was completed one month ago. I have no idea if this building will exist in 100 years. I suppose it could, if it's taken care of and no natural disasters destroy it. The church in Garland has survived more than a century because those two things happened. 

One of the things I know I'd miss about leaving Farmington is attending the Rock Church. It's famous, within our religion. And, it's a wonderful building. I have fifty years of memories associated with it. Now, though the memories don't exist, the potential does and it comes with an incredible building. Can't wait to see it again.

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