Thursday, November 12, 2020

I Had NO Idea...There Were Two-Handed Bowlers

Last Sunday, I was not watching the NFL. No, my channel surfing lead me to something else, something I hadn't watched in years...maybe decades.

Pro Bowlers.

It was the intro that fascinated me. Before the bowling balls rolled and the pins fell (or did not fall...), the commentators, by trying to lure viewers, touted the upcoming tournament as exciting a bowling event as ever there was one.

Then, they said something that blew my mind. They said they had the best one-handed bowlers and two-handed bowlers in the world.

What in the heck is a two-handed bowler, I asked myself?

Turns out, it's a bowler that uses both hands to guide the ball toward the pins. That hooked me and I had to find out what it was all about. 

I didn't watch the entire tournament--I mean, that's a lot of bowling for someone who hasn't watched the sport on TV in a long, long time. Before cable, we'd watch bowling, figure skating, swimming, diving, golf, tennis--whatever they put on ABC's Wide World of Sports. It's all we had.

No way they had two-handed bowlers back then.

But, we have them now.

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