Sunday, November 15, 2020

Tomorrow...Is A NEW (And Warmer) Day

 I've been working at home for two and a half years, thirty months, 913 days, give or take. Tomorrow, my work day will not begin like all the other work days that preceded it. Tomorrow, I'll work in a room that has carpet on the floor, paint on the walls, and most importantly, a room that is temperature-controlled. 

In other words, I'll be working in a finished space.

It's been a while.

When I first came home to work, I was in the basement of our previous house. Yes, it was wonderful in the summer, but got a little cold in the winter. Thanks to a thrift store space heater, I was toasty warm, as long as I didn't venture too far from my desk. But, as the only constant in life is change, we decided to move. We found a house that didn't have all the rooms we need, but it had the potential. As of today, that potential has translated to sheet rocked rooms in the basement and soon, an upstairs bedroom currently being used by my daughter will be my office, ready for a desk, my work computer, and two nice monitors.

It's been a long time coming.

In the new house, I had set up my desk in our spacious garage. And it was working well, but then the colder temperatures came. Last Thursday, it got down to 55º and that was when I decided to move inside. It never got that cold in the basement--it got cold, but the basement was underground--outside temperatures didn't change it much. In the garage, colder temperatures means a colder garage. And it's going to get colder. My little space heater can't keep up with that.

We're going to be "cozy" for a few weeks until the basement is done. I'll be in the master bedroom so my wife will be leaving earlier than normal. She was the one who encouraged me to finally come inside and I'm glad she did.

Tomorrow is a new day...definitely, a warmer one. Of course, I'll have a cat to worry about. Got to protect the keyboard.

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