Tuesday, November 17, 2020

My Nephew...Telling It Like It Is

I found out today (as did everyone else...) my nephew was interviewed on the local news. He is a person who is in the thick of it, working in a hospital under those conditions those of us who don't work in hospitals only hear about.

He and thousands of others are dealing with covid patients.

I can't imagine what his day is like. I can't image what many people who are dealing with this every day (and have dealt with it for months...) what their days are like. And I hope I don't find out. For my immediate family, there have been issues, but this situation has not affected us like it has so many others. I've kept working--never lost a day of work, and even though I know people who have contracted the virus and even had friends who have passed, my family has been spared.

I pray it remains that way.

That goes for my nephew and his beautiful family as well.

The news story's not a happy one. As the title suggests, many are considering leaving the state because of the situation, and many are considering leaving the profession because, where are they going to go that isn't dealing with the same thing? If you'd like to watch the report, click: HERE for the link. I hope those with covid can recover and those treating them can be free of it, and that it can be something we think about only in the past.

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