Saturday, August 24, 2024

A Place To Hang My Hat...Or Hats

 I'm a collector...sort of. I think of collectors as people who amass certain things, like stamps, or coins, or cars, or tennis shoes. I don't think having lots of baseball hats makes me a collector, but when you consider the definition of "collector," I definitely qualify.

I have a lot of baseball hats.

For me, if I'm not going to church, I'm wearing a hat. I do this, not necessarily for fashion reasons, but more for practical reasons. Having no hair (thanks, genetics...) on my head, I wear a hat in the summer to prevent sunburns, and I wear a hat in the winter to keep my head warm, and to prevent sunburns. To me, hats are as important as wearing shirts, or other necessary articles of clothing.

Now, after wearing hats almost everyday of my life for almost four years, I know you can't have just one hat. You need several. I have several. When you have several hats, you need a place to keep several hats until you're wearing one hat. For the past couple of years, I hung my hats on my wife's antique bookshelf that we used to house DVDs. We re-arranged the front room and the bookshelf had to go downstairs. 

What to do with the hats?

In our laundry room I saw several wreath hangers we used during the holidays purchased at Dollar Tree. I had an idea and what you see in the photo is that idea. My new place to hang my hats.

So good. I have seven hats I can choose from, two work hats, three red hats (two U of U hats and a Lagoon hat...), a Bear River Bears baseball hat and a US Army hat. Pretty much a hat for all occasions, or...

A hat for all seasons.

Yeah...I like that.

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