Sunday, August 4, 2024

Give Thanks...Getting To Know A Few Authors

 Friday, the family checked out an estate sale a mile or so from our house. They hired a company to hold the sale. That was a little different than the usual estate sales held around here. Let's just say we were not prepared for what we experienced when we walked through the door.

I've seen Deseret Industries with less stuff to sell.

They had...everything. Appliances, DVDs, clothes, collectable dolls, dishes, at least seven fax machines (that I counted...), food storage, and books. Lots and lots of books. I noticed one right off the bat, Robison Well's The Counterfeit. I've read a couple of Robison's books. Never heard of that one. I had to get it.

I've been doing this author thing for about a decade. In that time I've met many authors. I know some better than others. Robison and his brother Dan are local favorites. It's strange that I didn't know these people a decade ago and now the authors I've met are some of my favorite people.

Something that surprised me from the start is, at least the authors I've met, is how nice and genuine they are. Almost all of them want you to succeed, to finish those WIPs, to be bold in the words you produce. I'm thankful for those friendships. I'm thankful for the help they've given not only me, but so many others. I'm thankful that when I enter a home with literally hundreds of books from both big and small, I found one written by someone I've met and done panels with and who I can call a fellow Utah author.

It's a cool feeling.

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