Monday, August 26, 2024

This...Makes Me Happy

 The inside temperature in the house around 7:30am this morning, was 71º. The other readings on the thermometer show the high outside temperature from the past twenty-four hours, the coldest outside temperature from the same period, and the current outside temperature.

The high: 85º...the low: 55º...the current: 50.

Oh, the joy.

I've always love autumn. As a kid when temperatures lowered it meant Halloween was near, and after that, Thanksgiving, my birthday, Christmas, New Years, ski season, sledding, hot chocolate. I needed a jacket when riding my bike. I didn't almost die of heat while running, and school started. I wasn't the biggest fan of school, but I loved being with friends.

Now that I'm older, much older (it's my fortieth high school reunion this year...), I still love the season. It's for different reasons, of course, but I still love it. I no longer ski or exercise outside very much, but I love being outside and not sweating to death. I also love decreased yard work and the elimination of bugs.

That's what my aging body appreciates as the colder temperatures draw closer.

I know people who hate the cold, especially as they get older. I don't know if I'll be one of those. Next year I turn sixty and the whole "hating the cold" thing hasn't hit yet. 

Who knows? Give me another decade (God willing...) and I'll see how I feel then. My guess is (and my hope...) I'll still love the fall.

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