Saturday, August 3, 2024

Love Me Some Track And Field...

 Maybe I love watching the track and field events in the Olympics because I used to run. I was, by no means, an elite runner. I was okay. I use "okay" to mean that I could run faster than about I'd say 80% of the boys in my high school. I ran track, but only my senior year and I took the class mostly because most of my good friends also ran track.

I've always loved watching track and field.

To me, it seems track and field is sort of the red-headed stepchild of the Olympics. There's so many events in track and field that it takes up most of the second half of the games. It's not flashy (most of it...). It's not gymnastics or basketball or swimming. Still, I think some of the most amazing displays of human strength and agility can be found around the track and on the field.

I can't say none of it is "flashy." The sprint races are insane, culminating on the mens's and womens's 100 meter races. So much emotion over in under ten seconds and just over ten seconds, respectively. Maybe I like it because I see people doing things I could only dream of, like a basketball-loving kid watch their idols in the NBA.

I think if I had unlimited funds and opportunity, if I could attend one Olympic venue during the games, it would be sitting among the tens of thousands of fans in the big stadium getting blown away by some of the world's best athletes put on a show.

For me, it's just the best.

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