Monday, August 12, 2024

Living In A One Train Track Town...

 I'm no history expert, but I do recall there was a time when a railroad track running through your town meant you had access to the world...


Times have changed.

Where we used to live, a railroad once ran through town. In fact, the town owes much of its history to that railroad. It was built by the Bamburger family and because of that railroad, the Lagoon Amusement Park came into existence. The railroad is long gone, but the park remains. 

We moved to a town with far fewer people, but they do have one set of railroad tracks that is just east of downtown running north/south. I think I've seen a train on those tracks less than twenty times in the four years we've lived here.

So, not the busiest railway out there.

The other day I was caught behind the crossing as I waited for the train to pass. It moved along at a slow space--how slow, I'm not exactly sure. Thankfully, there were only five or six cars. I guess that's what it's like living in a one train track town.

Every once in a while, a train will pass.

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