Thursday, August 8, 2024

So, We Went To A City Counsel Meeting...

 It's been a while since I've attended a city counsel meeting. I think the last time was back in 1999 or 2000. My mom was developing some land next to her house and the city made us jump through so many hoops. It may have been easier for my 70+ year old mother to literally jump through hoops than the things they required of us to put in a cul-de-sac. 


Of course, there are things I don't understand...all the city policies and regulations. shouldn't be that tough. The cul-de-sac was built, so was our house. Then many years later, we moved. What brought us to our local city counsel meeting this time?

The building of another road.

The road is being built (or re-built...) where we live. The issue was us locals, as in "Road Closed - Local Traffic Only" locals. Some of us were getting ticketed. I can understand getting a ticket for being in a place we're not supposed to be, but we've been told different things. Since they're working on both directions of the road, we're sometimes told to drive east, and sometimes west. Hardly seems fair to be ticketing us for leaving the neighborhood.

We had neighbors who spoke at the meeting. We did not, but we listened. I'm glad there's still an opportunity to voice our opinions. Will anything come of it? My "half-full" self thinks there will be. Then again, the project's supposed to be completed in a little over a month. Hopefully, we can be ticket-free until then.

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