Friday, August 30, 2024

Darn Gravity...

 In our defense, we didn't know there were that many nectarines on our little tree. We planted it only a few years ago and we still think of it as a "little" tree, but it's little no longer. So much so, the sheer weight of dozens of nectarines caused a major branch to fail.


If you own a nectarine tree, you know sometimes it's difficult to see the fruit. Plus, this is the first year it's really produced fruit. We saw a few nectarines last year, but nothing like what happened this summer. We should have been more prepared. 

Since I'm not an arborist, I never know how much fruit to remove to thin the crop. My mind says not to remove keep it all growing, but I know that's not what's best for the tree.

The rest of the tree appears to be doing well. There's plenty of fruit still left and hopefully it will continue to ripen so we can enjoy the harvest. Next spring, we'll do some pruning and we'll pay more attention to our little tree so this doesn't happen again.

Darn gravity...

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