Thursday, August 1, 2024

Summer Moon...

 Full moon, July, 19th, 2024.

Taking a shot of the moon with my phone camera is always risky, and by risky, I don't mean problematic, but more...the shots almost never work out. You know, photographic risky. A few weeks back, I found myself outside, atop a gently rising hill overlooking a valley bathed in moonbeams.

I took a picture, then another. Then, I sort of forgot about it. I take so many pictures (but, not too many...). Currently the count is over 48k in photos on my computer, over 2k in videos (not so much a videographer...). 

But, I looked at the photo from 7/19/24...not too bad.

I'm amazed at how technology directly affects our lives. I'm also amazed that no matter how incredible the tech, it rarely matches what the human eye can see. It's the old "the photo can't match the real thing" thing. Theh photo lacks emotion, lacks a soul...the soul only the viewer possesses.

Still, looking at the shot reminds me of a full summer moon over a northern Utah valley.

And it makes me happy.

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