Saturday, September 28, 2024

But, Hey...We're Family

 This year's edition of FanX, the Salt Lake City Comic Con has ended. Thousands of people attended and possibly millions of dollars exchanged hands during the three-day event. If you've gone to this, or other comics conventions you know what you're going to get.

People having a great time.

One of those people is my of the most talented cosplayers I know.

Maddie has been cosplaying for more than a decade. She's diminutive, but don't let her size fool you...she has a marshal arts black belt and works in security. She also is dedicated to making excellent representations of some awesome characters.

I admire people who have the talent, and patience to pull off a good cosplay. When we met up yesterday, Maddie was Abigail, a show I have not seen. The photo doesn't give you the full story of her costume, unfortunately.

Doing FanX for more than a decade, I've seen many cosplayers, some terrific, some not as much, but every time I see someone who put effort into their character, who stepped outside their comfort zone and expressed themselves in a new way. I admire anyone who can do it.

This year's con is over. People are heading home, either by car, bus, train, scooter, bike, or on foot, all the while dressed as someone else, someone new. I'm already wondering what Maddie will be next time.

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