Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Interesting Question From A Writer Friend...

 A writer friend posted this question on social media a few weeks ago. It piqued my interest and made me think (perhaps, those are the same things...). It's a good question. 

Especially, coming from a writer.

Why, you may ask? Because these two classic hypotheticals make up so many storylines in stories. There's either the amazing person doing normal things, or the normal person doing extraordinary things. Kindergarten Cop is an example of the former, and Norther By Northwest is an example of the latter. 

When I saw the post I commented that, "I'd say, in a way, we live in both." My friend asked me to elaborate. So here you go.

If you change your perspective, everyone and everything around you is amazing, magical. There's literal miracles occurring around you every day, all the time. A sunrise, or sunset, the loyalty of a dog, the sheer joy of a toddler's laugh. These are magical things performed by people with magical powers. And we're spectators in the grand experience.

Then again, because everything is magical, everything is amazing, we ourselves are also magical and amazing. Which means, we have within each of us the ability to do things that seem magical to others. We can lift another's spirits by a kind word or a smile. We can take a photo, write a poem, some can even perform surgeries and save lives. We are capable to so much...

It's magic.

So, in a way we are both magical beings living in an ordinary world and ordinary people living in a magical sphere. 

That's what I meant.

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