Wednesday, September 18, 2024

I Don't Think We'd Make Good Pioneers...

 The other day I posted a picture of a singular green apple. It represented our entire apple crop for the season. To be fair, this was our own doing. We have a relatively new apple tree and this spring we pruned it down to let it grow. We also decided to remove all the apples to allow it to strengthen and get healthier.

This lone apple was missed when the took all the fruit off the tree.

We just didn't see it. We checked the tree a few months later and I saw a single apple. I picked it and presented it as our apple bumper crop. This got me thinking...would we survive as pioneers?

In our state pioneers play a large part in our history. They were not the first to live in the area, not by a long shot, but they did change the region forever. Whether that is good or bad is subject to interpretation. We won't be discussing that here. What they did do is turn the desert into a livable area, so much so, it's one of the fastest growing areas in the country.

Would we make it as pioneers? We'd have to work hard for basically nine months to survive the other three. Truth be told, we'd die if we had to live off of what we grew this year. Unless we could survive on one grape tomato a day, we would't make it. 

To be fair, we didn't plan to live off our harvests last spring. We planted mostly tomatoes and peppers...can't really survive off of those. We also have fruit trees, but we didn't nurse those in the best way possible. We should have thinned our nectarines. We had so many small ones, they broke the tree in half.

It would be an interesting experiment to see if we could survive a winter based on what we grew in the spring/summer/fall. 

I said it would be interesting...not that we're going to do it.

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