Sunday, September 29, 2024

Give Thanks...For Five-Thousand

It began on a Monday, Monday, January 23, 2011, to be exact. I was late to the party, but I thought it would be fun to start a blog.

That was five-thousand days from today, Sunday, September 29, 2024. I know it's five-thousand days because I've written five-thousand posts, one post, every single day.

I think it's time to stop.

By the time I got into the blogging game, blogs were fading. I didn't care. I enjoyed writing them. Now, almost fourteen years later, I don't know anyone who writes blog posts anymore. They're basically extinct. I know some still write them (because I'm one of those people...). I wonder who--if any--write and post something daily. I'm sure it's rare.

In my heyday, I was getting more than a hundred hits each day. I even made about $100 bucks from Google due to the number of visits. Those days are long gone. I'm averaging between twenty to thirty hits each day, sometimes more when the topic is of interest to many people. Sure, I liked the hits and back then, people even commented on the posts. Now, comments are rare, though still appreciated. I know that those twenty to thirty visits are from friends and family. I appreciate them all, each one, every day.

So, why stop now? Five-thousand is a good round number. It's something I can be proud of, an accomplishment eclipsed by few others, if any. But, every single person who ever started a blog, they all ended them, too. Everyone who started, then stopped, did so for a different reason. There's no one reason for me to stop, other than, it's time.

In the past five-thousand days, I've chronicled my life, the life of my family an friends. I've posted short stories and other snippets of fiction. I've written about weddings, about funerals, reunions, triumphs, tragedies, but mostly normal (some would say, boring...) topics. There were times--not many--when I searched for a topic, racked my brain for something to post. Every time I overcame, I succeeded in posting...something.

I'm not quitting the blogging game entirely. I plan on writing perhaps weekly, maybe a few times a week, especially when things happen I want to digitally remember and to allow others to read as well. It's funny, if I don't post anything tomorrow, I'll want to write a blog post about how it feels to not post anything.

If I don't post anything tomorrow, it's over...the streak ends, something that can never continue. As I get older, I realize, all things that start must have an ending. As the title of a classic Sydney Sheldon novel truthfully proclaims, Nothing Lasts Forever.

For all of you who have read my posts, I'm thankful for you and I hope you continue to do so when I write in the future. I'll notify on social media when a new blog post is written. But, if you move on and find another daily blogger to follow, I completely understand. The world has changed in the past five-thousand days. I've provided a daily glimpse of how those days have affected me and my loved ones, sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always daily.

I'm thankful for the ability to write these words, post these pictures. I'm thankful for good health and a (somewhat...) sound mind that allowed me to express myself. And so I say farewell...

For now. God bless you all.

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